Friday, January 22, 2016

███ Dart Programming Language ███

Dart Programming Language 

Dart is an open-source general-purpose programming language originally developed by Google and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-408). Dart is used for building web, server, mobile applications and IoT devices.[1]

Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.
Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.

Who Uses Dart (ref:

In no particular order, here are some companies and businesses that use Dart. If you build production software with Dart, and want to be included in this list, please open a pull request. Thanks!
Next generation client applications for our Wdesk productivity suite are built with Dart. Check out our OSS contributions as well.
Pick & School
An online catalog of studies in French higher education.
AdSense performance reports
With the redesigned Performance tab, you now have more control and flexibility, allowing you to better understand your AdSense earnings and performance.
Security Monkey from Netflix
Security Monkey monitors policy changes and alerts on insecure configurations in an AWS account.
EasyInsure is a Web application that allows searching the database of 190K+ insurance agents, see their ratings and specialities, rate the agents, and get instant insurance quotes online.
Application hosting platform built and optimized for Dart.
Google internal sales tool
Built with AngularDart.
Continuous integration with support for testing Dart apps.
Collaboratively record music with your browser, built with Dart and WebRTC.
Agile project management tool, built with Dart.
SaaS for human capital management.
Photobook editing, built with Dart.
Rich IDE from JetBrains that includes a Dart plugin.
Optimizes Google Apps for schools. Client built with Dart.
Communities and engagement app for users and brands.
Google Fiber
An internet connection that is 100 times faster than today’s average broadband speeds.
Continuous integration with support for Dart.
Flash Pro can export to Dart/HTML5/CSS.
Health Dynamics
Health care and preventive care programs. Client apps built with Dart.
Counties Power
Utility serving parts of New Zealand. Map apps built with Dart.
Seaside Communications
Digital Cable TV, High Speed Internet and Home Phone Services. Internal tools built with Dart.
Email infrastructure as a service, from MailChimp.
Forms and workflows for mobile.
Time tracking app.
AngularDart is a port of the popular framework to Dart.
Google Elections
Elections results maps built with Dart.
Full-stack code anyone can run from their browser. Supports Dart client and server apps.
Open source unified communications system. Management UI continues to migrate to Dart.
Specialized in the design and implementation of online campaigns. Uses Dart for interactive experiences.
Cloud surveillance and security platform using Dart and native WebRTC.
Automated documentation generation for Pub packages.
Google internal customer support tool
Built with polymer.dart.
A simple, collaborative, multi-level task management tool with both the client and server written in Dart.
IOT Application Platform, DGLux5, provides a visual drag and drop rapid application development environment.
Adwords for video
The application that advertisers use to promote video ads on YouTube and other sites. Advertisers create accounts, setup campaigns, create ads, target them to users, and see how users are finding their ads useful, etc. Built with AngularDart.
Google internal tool for marketing
Built with AngularDart.
Prime APPcatalog
An interactive product catalog for tablets and smartphones. Built with Dart, Sencha Touch.
A cloud based ERP/CRM system built both server and client side with Dart.
Google Shopping Express
An enterprise tool to manage drivers/couriers, built with AngularDart.
A high-performance, HTML5 web app authoring and distribution platform built on and made for the modern web.
An online presentation service that allows you to create, present, and share presentations on any device.
Children of Ur
A community reboot of the closed massively multiplayer game called Glitch.
Issue Mover for GitHub
A tool that makes it easy to move issues between GitHub repos. Uses Dart on both the Client and Server side and is hosted on Google App Engine.
Web based tools for managing virtual servers and the services running on them. As well as some internal tools and processes.
Dynamic Analysis and Visualization of Interconnected Data, a tool for interactive visual exploration of complex linked data.
Tisíc knih
Czech book recommendation engine based on library data. Built with polymer.dart.
Forex trading simulator based on StageXL.
Customer service messaging platform using Dart on the server.
Symmetry Labs
A modular LED lighting fixture that can be configured by software written in Dart.

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