Saturday, January 24, 2015

A Comprehensive Project Plan for Developing a Mobile Game

Plan game idea.
Select the target market.
Choose the revenue/business model.
Define the game on paper.
Write stories and/or possible scenarios.
Specify the network if the it is a multi-player (social) game.
Define characters.
Define objects that will be used by characters.
List the levels; e.g. Easy Levels (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3), Medium Levels (Level 4, Level 5, Level 6), Hard Levels (Level 7, Level 8).
Define scores for the game to be achieved by players.
Define player's assets; e.g., Hearts, Coins, etc.
Define the awarding events.
Define the mini-games and how they will be triggered.
Specify scenes for levels.
Define backgrounds of the scenes.
Define static objects for each scene.
Specify special events for each level.
Specify special features of each scene.
Specify how the player is awarded.
Specify how the player loses the game and/or her assets.
Identify which assets can be purchased by the player through the mobile games provider's store.
Create a game design document.
Create game design documents for the mini-games.
Create a class diagram.
Specify namespaces.
Identify global and/or static classes.
Identify abstract classes.
Identify application-level classes
Specify one or more classes for application-level management
Identify scene-level classes
Specify one or more classes for scene-level management
Identify play-level (game-level) classes
Specify one or more classes for play-level (game-level) management
Identify level classes
Specify one or more classes for level management
Identify mini-game(s) classes
Specify one or more classes for managing each mini-game
Identify classes for special events; e.g. achieving the highest score ever.
Specify one or more classes for managing the special events.
Identify classes for scores and awards
Specify one or more classes for managing scores and awards
Define classes for controls like buttons, menus, etc.
Define classes for the required tools and utilities.
Setup the game in the selected game engine.
Create empty scenes for levels.
Adjust cameras.
Set game settings (properties).
Set the level's camera and light
Set background and its texture and scrolling (if applicable)
Set player object and its movement
Develop player gun and shooting
Develop enemy object
Develop collision between enemy and player bullet
Develop explosion particle effect and sound for collisions
Develop enemy gun and shooting
Develop player collision with enemy bullet
Develop enemy movement
Power up object and collision
Power up sound and multiple guns/bullets
Power up functionality
Setup remaining lives and its counter
Setup invincibility delay
Develop player collision with enemy object
Total score setup
Individual points setup
Setup game over condition
Game menu setup
Enemy spawning setup
Setup enemy firing frequency
Setup enemy dropped power ups
Develop gift object one; e.g. Coin
Develop gift shooter/distributer
Gift spawning setup
Setup gift frequency
Develop gift collection
Develop gift collection impacts on assets and lives
Develop win condition
Bug fix


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