Saturday, February 21, 2009

ASP.NET MVC Framework

ASP.NET MVC Framework

Model–View–Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern in software engineering. This pattern isolates business logic from user interface leading to applications that modifying the visual appearance and the biz rules can be performed independently.
In MVC, the model represents data of the application, the controller manages the communication between data and the biz rules (to manipulate data) and the view corresponds to items in the user interface (pages/forms and controls).
ASP.NET MVC provides a MVC framework on top of the existing ASP.NET 3.5 runtime. This new framework defines a pattern to the web application folder structure and provides a controller base-class to handle and process requests for “actions”. Developers can use the specific Visual Studio 2008 MVC templates to create MVC web applications (You can download it from: MVC framework is extensible allowing developers to create sophisticated structures that meet their needs, including for example Dependency Injection techniques, new view rendering engines or specialized controllers. As ASP.NET MVC framework is built on ASP.NET 3.5, developers can also take advantage of the existing ASP.NET 3.5 features with this framework.

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